1 Cargomind d.o.o. (Koper)

Basic Information

Ankaranska cesta 7, 6000 Koper, Poslovna enota Koper, Slovenia


Basic Information

JC Elite
  • Company Profile

    Cargomind (Slovenia) is a subsidiary of the Cargomind Group, which operates in 13 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, South East Europe and China. The Port of Koper connects Central Europe to the Sea, offers direct sailings to, from the Far East, and to Ports in the Mediterranean Sea. Cargomind enjoys attractive contract rates with carriers calling Koper directly or serving Koper by feeder vessels. Our LCL customers enjoy weekly departures through reliable LCL Consolidators. Several Rail Operators offer block trains to Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. The Cargomind Team has a long history of successful operation and skilful design of forwarding services for the most demanding customers. We have expert knowledge in several vertical industries in particular automotive, high tech, pharmaceuticals and garments.
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    • Ivan Trost
    • Regional Director
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    • Ocean Freight Import
    • Ocean Freight Import Team
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    • Ocean Freight Export
    • Ocean Freight Export Team
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